The Journey of Air Purifiers

The journey of the air purifiers has changed a lot over time. From being considered as a luxury item, it has now changed to be a generic necessity given the ever-increasing nature of harmful pollution and the importance of the availability of fresh, chemical and soot-free air. Time and again, indoor airs have also been considered to be a lot deadlier than the outer air. This may be due to multiple reasons coupled up with misguidance such as improper ventilation, smoke, burning of fuels, residing next to an industrial area, smoke from the burning of electrical appliances and so on. The statistics have worsened so much so that the WHO has declared that air pollution is the 5th largest killer in India. Much importance should be given to the fact that we spend most of our time at home or work. And sadly, this makes us susceptible to the various ill effects of indoor air pollution. To combat the likes of it, what comes really handy is the air purifiers. Ensure that you and you...